sobota, 6 lutego 2016

Visiting with arts!

Hello guys,

I will start directly with some BIG news :) My friend lukenukeas (author of arts and facepacks for Prologue) has been ressurected and is willing to lend a hand with arts for 'Civilization'. A big hooray for him!

With that said, we've been discussing the art style we could be using for the 'Civilization', and here are three sketches, which are close to what we had in mind:

1. Probably the most realistic, most casual.
2.  Most playful and energetic of the three.
3. A one made for a real adventurer, with a bit different, but still comic-like style.

With this post comes a poll, where you can vote for the one you like the most!

As a bonus, here comes something directly from me and my lacking artistic hands: :D
How do you like it? I know it's nowhere as serious as many would imagine BUT would you like to see more of such arts exclusively on the collectible cards (NOT in the actual plot or facepacks)? :D

As happy as the return of lukenukeas has made me I am giving you guys TWO polls this week. And I STRONGLY encourage you to leave comments with your opinions or suggestions, as it is highly possible the chosen style will be implemented in facepacks and CGs!

Take care, and stay tuned!

EDIT: Due to some technical issues I can't post polls right now, therefore the polls are put on hold. I will however add these as soon as Blogspot allows me again to add them. Sorry for the delay guys...

EDIT 2: As the problematic issue seems to last longer than an hour or two, I would just like to encourage you to leave your opinions in the comments, while waiting for the actual poll. Thanks ;)

3 komentarze:

  1. Ok so i like the third sketch the most, and about cards, it gives more cartoonish feel, which is good for a card game in my opinion.
    P.S. Hip Hip Hooray for lukenukeas :)

  2. I like the third one as well, as I enjoy cartoons/comics for how they look :)

    And I think the card art looks great for a card game, also found it funny how she seems to have the same problem I have: looking tired even when you are not (the underline under her eyes makes her look worn out)
